Planned Preventative Maintenance, Yorkshire

Planned Preventative Maintenance, Yorkshire

Further to a series of reports regarding water ingress, we were to undertake a ten-year planned preventative maintenance schedule (PPM) focusing on the roof areas. The aim was to provide the current occupier with a clear route to remedying the numerous roof issues over a 10-year reporting period. Wenlock Barracks first opened in April 1911 and was home to the 2nd Northumbrian Brigade. It is now used as an active reserve centre and is home to the Medical Regiment for the East of England.


A team of two surveyors inspected the property, utilising one of our drones to safely gather all the information required to undertake a full assessment. We then provided the client with a fully costed and editable schedule in excel format, a PDF report and a photographic schedule of the identified defects.


Inform Surveying inspected fourteen roofs on a fully operational Barracks over the course of a day, identifying numerous defects requiring attention. We allocated condition and priority categories to each element/defect to enable the client to prioritise works

Challenges & Solutions

Challenges & Solutions

This was an interesting building with a lot of history. It was important that the inspection was undertaken with as little disruption to the ongoing operations as possible. Inform were able to do this by utilising our commercial drone license to safely undertake a full inspection without the use of MEWPS whilst the building was operational. Numerous roof coverings were observed on this inspection, including asbestos sheets, Asphalt, mineral felt and liquid coatings. Inform Surveying’s knowledge of a variety of roof coverings enabled them to provide reasoned advice and recommendations for repair/replacement.

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